Little History about C# Programming

12:28:00 AM
History of C#
During the event of the .NET Framework, the category libraries were originally written employing a managed code compiler system known as easy Managed C (SMC). In January 1999, Anders Hejlsberg shaped a team to create a replacement language at the time known as Cool, that stood for "C-like Object homeward-bound Language". Microsoft had thought-about keeping the name "Cool" because the final name of the language, however selected to not do thus for trademark reasons. By the time the .NET project was publically declared at the Gregorian calendar month 2000 skilled Developers Conference, the language had been renamed C#, and also the category libraries and ASP.NET runtime had been ported to C#.

C#'s principal designer and lead creator at Microsoft is Anders Hejlsberg, UN agency was antecedently involved the look of Turbo Pascal, Embarcadero city (formerly CodeGear Delphi and Borland Delphi), and Visual J++. In interviews and technical papers he has expressed that flaws in most major programming languages (e.g. C++, Java, Delphi, and Smalltalk) drove the basics of the Common Language Runtime (CLR), which, in turn, drove the look of the C# language itself.

James goose, UN agency created the Java artificial language in 1994, and Bill Joy, a co-founder of Sun Microsystems, the creator of Java, known as C# AN "imitation" of Java; goose any claimed that "[C# is] variety of Java with dependableness, productivity and security deleted." Klaus Kreft and Angelika Langer (authors of a C++ streams book) expressed in an exceedingly journal post that "Java and C# ar virtually identical programming languages. Boring repetition that lacks innovation," "Hardly anybody can claim that Java or C# ar revolutionary programming languages that modified the method we have a tendency to write programs," and "C# borrowed plenty from Java - and contrariwise. currently that C# supports boxing and unboxing, we'll have a really similar feature in Java." Anders Hejlsberg has argued that C# is "not a Java clone" and is "much nearer to C++" in its style.

Since the release of C# 2.0 in November of 2005, the C# and Java languages have evolved on more and more divergent trajectories, changing into somewhat less similar. one in every of the primary major departures came with the addition of generics to each languages, with immensely totally different implementations. C# makes use of reification to supply "first-class" generic objects which will be used like every different category, with code generation performed at class-load time. in contrast, Java's generics ar primarily a language syntax feature, and that they don't have an effect on the generated computer memory unit code as a result of the compiler performs sort erasure on the generic sort info when it's verified its correctness.
Furthermore, C# has else many major options to accommodate functional-style programming, culminating in their LINQ extensions free with C# three.0 and its supporting framework of lambda expressions, extension ways, and anonymous categories. These options change C# programmers to use useful programming techniques, like closures, once it's advantageous to their application. The LINQ extensions and also the useful imports facilitate developers cut back the quantity of "boilerplate" code that's enclosed in common tasks like querying a information, parsing AN xml file, or looking through a knowledge structure, shifting the stress onto the particular program logic to assist improve readability and maintainability.
C# accustomed have a being known as Andy (named when Anders Hejlsberg). it absolutely was retired on twenty nine Gregorian calendar month 2004.

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